Shipping policy

Blacksmith Bolt ships via Priority Mail from the USPS. It is by far the cheapest way to ship small but dense items such as fasteners. Priority Mail offers tracking on all packages and will deliver our products anywhere in the USA within 1 to 3 days. We have had a good experience with Priority Mail thus far, but occasionally problems arise. These issues almost always resolve themselves within a day or two. Blacksmith Bolt makes makes no guarantees about Priority Mail shipping but will always strive to get our products to our customers as quickly and reliably as we can.

At present Blacksmith Bolt does not offer UPS shipping on checkout. We are nonetheless happy to ship via UPS, either on our account or yours. Please call or email for details. Like the USPS, UPS is not perfect and Blacksmith Bolt makes no guarantees regarding UPS shipping. 

Blacksmith Bolt is happy to ship to Canada via Global Post, UPS or DHL. Worldwide we are happy to ship via Global Post or DHL. Please email any questions. Global Post is always the cheapest option although it can be quite slow. DHL is the most expensive option but is faster and more dependable. Again, Blacksmith Bolt makes no guarantees regarding Global Post or DHL.